***INSTANT DOWNLOAD AFTER PURCHASE.*** This is a step-by-step PDF & video guide created by me, Cake & Sugar Artist Laura E. Varela-Wong. I have 15 years of experience running my cake business. It wasn't always successful or as profitable as it is now. I'm happy to be able to share the techniques in my guide which I acquired the hard way. After years of habitually underpricing my work I realized something had to give! It was quite an eye opener when I discovered just how little I was actually paying myself. This guide will do for you what it did for me. It will open your eyes. It will help you discover what you have been truly paying yourself for your time and hard work as a Cake Artist. Some Cake Artists are pleasantly surprised to find out they're not doing too bad quoting for their work. Others sadly, like myself, find out what we deep down already knew. We're not charging enough. If you've ever wondered if you are charging correctly for your work, this guide will help answer those questions for you. It will also give you the courage and push you need to raise your prices if necessary.